Paying it forward
STAR CREST is accepting new candidates for our Ambassadorship program. We are searching for driving enthusiasm in building comradery with sky brothers and sisters. Capturing the spirit of what STAR CREST is all about: having fun, paying it forward to jumpers with less experience as well as pushing personal boundaries to earn advanced awards with teammates.
The official duties: organizing SCR loads, moderating the ceremony and putting the capital F in Fun! It's not a monetary position as the reward is paying it forward and creating priceless memories with your fellow comrades!
If you are a jump loader that has already been completing the SCR ambassador duties unofficially then let's make it official! As part of the ambassadorship program all SCR awards earned are complimentary. For more information on jumping on board to push the momentum of this legendary driving force:
(661) 831-7771

Donna Wardean Dann - SCR Ambassador (right) SCR #26, SCS #53, NSCR #2394 & Dick Gernand (left)
Meet our Ambassadors

Chris Schilpp
SCR #4370, SCS #2300

My Home, and my favorite DZ is Skydive Perris.Dan BC and the Conatsers Rocks!
I started skydiving on March 9, 1974 At Borderland Air sports, Otay, California. Jim MacDonald was my first instructer.
I was inspired to jump by a guy I met and moved in with,and later married. A cutie sporting a leg cast from a broken ankle. (those darn round canopies).
My Most memorable jump was at The World Meet at Z Hill, Oct. 1981...I went out late and had the last Back-shot into a 24 way Cluster (all bi-poles) and right after I entered we went through a cloud...O>M>G> Bam!Whoooooo Hoooooooo
I wish I could jump with my Lil Sis Kellie Infante...we lost her last July from medical issues. So Sucked.
Advice I always give the Newbie, is AWARENESS in th air...head on a swivel in the air And landing.Safety ALWAYS comes first...fun to follow. This is also the same advice I was given as a student.
My Theme song is Jump by the Pointer Sisters.
My occupation is a nurse, with the last 30 years at UCI Womans Health. I'm a strong supporter of women.
I am married now, for the last 30 years, and like my first Hzbnd, My 2nd Hzbnd is all for my skydiving.
One of the most interesting things I've done is lived in Iran in 1976-77, did a demo, Bicentennial 1976, and some bandit jumps out of a Cobra Helicopter. And being a woman doing that was a Big deal at that time there.I also made my first Strato Star jump there too. The ground is verrry hard!
I also learned some Farsi...still remember some of it too!
My best personal accomplishment is being an ambassador for WSCR, Helping Nancy Gruttman, getting Women into the History of Skydiving, and Now helping SCR by being their ambassador, and doing the same. Goals we will always remember. Case of Beer!!
I would love to be remembered for my love and passion for this incredible sport and the Family I inherited with the sport.I so love them all.
If I was a super Hero, I'd be Super Woman, so I could Fly! (and land so much better!) lol
In my days I did a lot of organizing of Womans dives, encouraging us to be better and bigger. I have the ability to read ppl and I strive to bring out their own strengths. I love being a Big Sis to the women coming into this sport.
My family loves that I skydive, my brother drives Hydro speed boats. Speed must be in our genes. Thanks Mom & Dad.
I did take a 10 year hiatus from skydiving, (last jump 11/16/2001). I also played hard-core softball, and wore out my knees. Multiple scopes/surgeries on my knees caused a lot of pain and kept me off the field and out of the sky. So in 2010 I had both my knees replaced...My comeback jump was just 2 years after my knee replacements on 1/21/2012. She's back!! I am part of an organization called SRA. Skydiver resurrection award, for ppl who left the sport and came back after a 10 year leave.
I was grounder Once...Gary Douris looked at the 4 of us,(we ALL opened low).. and said...Who was on the top? You're warned...Who was on the bottom...You are GROUNDED!! The reason did not matter...
My bucket list contains a camera-safari of santuarys in Africa, multiple areas .I am hoping.to see many Elephants and other wild animals in their own enviornment. This will make my heart Happy.
I came nto this wonderful sport at a time where gear was changing rapidly. Gear was the cause for many deaths and so many riggers were breaking away from military styles.Innovating new designs and techniques that we are using today. 3 ring release system, an AAD that is safe, RSL and canopy transfer cutaways. Pilot chutes that are on the BOC...after so many round canopy jumps the trust in the gear is such a relief.
I love this sport and all the people in it....We are Family. BSBD
I am proud to be in multiple groups that makeup todays skydiving arena. POP's. SOS, WSOS.SRA .collecting World records as we go. Can it get any better thn this?? Nope/never.
Catherine Bedell
SCR #15338

What is your home drop zone?
Skydive San Diego
When did you get into skydiving?
Nearly 14 years ago
Why did you get into skydiving?
It started with a gift certificate for a Tandem skydive in Colorado
Who inspired you to start jumping?
All of the instructors and fun jumpers at Mile-Hi Skydiving in Colorado
Most memorable jump?
All of the Women Big Way RW records in Colorado
If you could jump with anyone you choose who would it be and why?
My dad. He always wanted to do a tandem but passed before we could make it happen.
If you could jump anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Over any National Forest. It’s all about the views while under canopy.
What advice would you give to new jumpers?
Slow down. Skydiving isn’t a race. The finish is a place you don’t want to reach.
What is your theme song?
I don’t have one but when I was in AFF I’d play Norah Jones, Come Away with Me. Just trying to lower by heartrate and chill out.
What is the best advise you’ve been given?
To always be a student of the sky. From Tom Riddick
What is your occupation?
What is your best personal or professional accomplishment to date?
Personally, I raised a son who is making great contributions to the world. Professionally, I’ve founded and chaired organizations throughout the US that have provided countless goods and services to underrepresented children and homeless families.
What do you like doing on your spare time?
Row, hike, motorcycles, run, bicycle, paint, shoot, dance.
Are you single?
Recently engaged
If married how does your spouse feel about you skydiving?
My fiancé is also a skydiver
Do you speak a foreign language?
Only enough to find a bathroom in nearly all languages.
What is the most interesting thing that you’ve done or seen?
I’ve managed strip clubs in San Francisco in the late 80s and early 90s. I’ve seen some very, very interesting things.
What was the theme song of your youth and what is your theme song now?
Don’t have one.
What would you like people to remember about you?
What other sports do you enjoy?
Hike, bike, run, cycle, pickleball, target shooting.
If you were a super hero what would be your super power?
Keeping my mouth shut.
What is your favorite DZ?
Mile-Hi Skydiving and Skydive Oregon and Skydive San Diego
What secret talents do you have?
Pretty good at trapeze, silks and other circus apparatus.
What is the most adventurous thing that you’ve done?
Performed for years in an aerial performance company.
Who is your hero and why?
My fiancé. He has the super power I want. He’s an amazing human and can pretty much do anything.
Who is your hero in the sport and why?
Tom Riddick. He is not only an uber talented flyer but his instruction is impeccable and his attitude is saintly in the face of great adversity.
What skydiving legend would you like to jump with and why?
I’ve jumped with the one’s I wanted to. I’m old, remember.
When did you realize that you wanted to jump out of planes?
Right after the first tandem.
Do you have any pre-jump rituals?
Practice emergency procedures over and over. Pop one Altoid.
What do you consider your skydiving highlight to date?
Every successful Starcrest jump. They are sooooo fun!
What are you most grateful for?
My fiancé and son.
What is the highest altitude you’ve jumped from?
18,000 ft.
What was your craziest jump?
2 way belly with my then boyfriend (now fiancé) over Longmont, CO in 2011. Light was green, we spotted, but at 10K an Allegiant Airline 737 came straight at us, actually SAW US and banked away. We could see the people in the window seats. It was a flash and then over.
Have you had any close calls, what happened?
See above!
What motivates you?
The drive to experience life daily for as long as possible.
What does your family think of you skydiving?
Did you take a break and then start jumping again, if so why and how long?
I took 373 days off for an injury from a bad landing.
What is on your bucket list and how’s your progress?
I still need to drive a race car on a track.
Have you ever been grounded, if so when and why?
Have you ever jumped on a round?
What are your future goals?
Always moving forward and loving life.
How have you paid it forward, if so how?
Part of loving life is always paying it forward, no matter what your doing. Find a way to enhance the life of everyone you come in contact with.
What’s the last book you’ve read?
What are the charities you donate to or serve and why?
I typically donate and serve the charities I’ve founded or work for. I’m passionate about them.
What other countries have you jumped at?
Just the USA
Are or did you serve our country in the military, if so when at what branch?
Do you have any offspring, do they jump or would they like too?
I tried to get my son to jump. While he’s very adventurous in his personal life and career, he said it’s just not cool if his Mom does it too. Lol.
Greg Melcher
SCR #15288, SCS #8395, VSCR #148

Home DZ?
Skydive San Diego
Masonry contractor m-f , tandem and AFF instructor on weekends
Yes. To a non jumper
She is very supportive of my jumping and goals within the sport
yes. 4. 3 sons 1 daughter. 3 have jumped at least once . One has no interest but thinks it's cool that I do.
First jump?
1987. 25+ years later. Started over. Now. A,B,C,D, license. Coach, AFF and tandem rated
Best advice I've been given?
Green light means you "can" go. Not you "have" to go. And know your uppers.
Hero in skydiving?
Not really.
However have had some great mentors and people who have helped me progress.
Skydiving legend I'd like to jump with?
I've been very fortunate to learn from and worked alongside Jay Stokes
Achievements in skydiving?
Setting goals. Making a timeline and working hard to make them happen.
What motivates me?
Being told I can't do something. Watch me jump a round. Once is enough
Theme song?
The Cape - Guy Clark
Pretty much sums it up
Paying it forward?
Absolutely. Still am
Became a coach and load organizer. Learned I enjoy teaching and helping people
Then progressed to AFF and tandems. It's all a great energy exchange.
What to be remembered for?
Taking the time to help
Next gen challenges?
Being in a rush.
Bypassing the basic skills and history of the sport in a mad dash to downsize, wingsuit, sitfly and make cool videos. Pump the brakes turbo... Sky isn't going anywhere.
Rick Poplinger
SCR #3627, SCS #2355, NSCR #631

What is your home drop zone? Home drop zone is Skydive Spaceland Houston
When did you get into skydiving? My first jump was October 2nd, 1971
Who inspired you to start jumping? I saw a program called “Ripcord”, when I was eight years old and decided right then to skydive when I got old enough.
Most memorable jump? Probably my first jump over the pyramids in Giza, Egypt.
If you could jump with anyone you choose who would it be and why? Christie Fricken. I noticed her on Facebook and talked with her a few times. She just seems to be a real genuine and nice person and so supportive of our sport.
If you could jump anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Probably Dubai over the Palms. Haven’t done that yet.
What advice would you give to new jumpers? Keep safe no matter how experienced you become.
What is your theme song? I write piano compositions and have copyrights, so… probably one of my own!
What is the best advise you’ve been given? Treat jumpers you are training as you would a brother.
What is your occupation? Industrial water treatment specialist
What is your best personal or professional accomplishment to date? In skydiving, I would say the POPS world record.
What do you like doing on your spare time? I play the piano!
Are you single? Why yes I am!
Do you speak a foreign language? Yes I have dual citizenship with Israel and speak Hebrew.
What is the most interesting thing that you’ve done or seen? I once swam from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco like the prisoners used to try and do to escape.
What would you like people to remember about you? My sense of humor and kindness.
What other sports do you enjoy? I run and bike.
If you were a super hero what would be your super power? Flight!
What is your favorite DZ? Skydive Spaceland Houston!
What secret talents do you have? Perseverance
What is the most adventurous thing that you’ve done? Got into a cage that was lowered down to see the Great White Sharks.
Who is your hero and why? Chuck Yeager…. Enough said.
Who is your hero in the sport and why? Al Krueger. He overcame all odds and became the best and yet he was still a gentleman to all!
What skydiving legend would you like to jump with and why? Bill Ottley
When did you realize that you wanted to jump out of planes? When I was eight years old.
Do you have any pre-jump rituals? Gear check and cut away procedures.
What do you consider your skydiving highlight to date? My 30,000-foot jump.
What are the challenges that the next generation of jumpers will face? Affording the sport.
What are you most grateful for? Grateful that the skydiving network crosses all boundaries and that we are all brothers.
What is the highest altitude you’ve jumped from? 30,000
What was your craziest jump? Rodeo?
Have you had any close calls, what happened? Canopy wrap below 1000 feet when we were just learning back in the old days. I was under my reserve for seven seconds.
What motivates you? The desire to use all my years with achievements, no matter how old I become.
What does your family think of you skydiving? They think I should be careful at my age!
Did you take a break and then start jumping again, if so why and how long? I got custody of my children so took an eighteen-year hiatus.
What is on your bucket list and how’s your progress? I want to organize a skydiving event that will allow jumpers to skydive at the lowest point in the world, (Dead Sea), and then do a Holy Land tour. I am working on this now.
Have you ever been grounded, if so when and why? No.
Have you ever jumped on a round? Several times…. I’m old, remember!
What are your future goals? My 3000th jump! (24 more to go)!
How have you paid it forward, if so how? Yes, I mentor several newer jumpers at my drop zone.
What’s the last book you’ve read? A Richard Crais novel.
What are the charities you donate to or serve and why? I donate to St. Jude’s monthly. It’s all about the kids!
What other countries have you jumped at? Hong Kong, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Austria and Israel.
Are or did you serve our country in the military, if so when at what branch? With my dual citizenship, I served in the Israeli Armed Forces in the army and was in Lebanon.
Do you have any offspring, do they jump or would they like too? My brother is also an accomplished jumper and both my sons have made several tandem jumps.
Fred Basile
SCR #15446 & SCS #8320
Fred was an SCR Ambassador and Beloved Friend. He also was an Air Trashmen and Webmaster for the AirTrash website for 10 Years.
Him... Him... RIP...
Austin Rahatigan
SCR # 15356, SCS #8420 & VSCR #155

What is your home drop zone?
Skydive San Diego in Otay California
When did you get into skydiving?
My first jump was in 2015 at Skydive Taft.
Why did you get into skydiving?
I have always dreamed of flying through the sky. You could say a part of me always knew I would jump.
If you could jump with anyone you choose who would it be and why?
I would really like to do a USA jump with my mentors Catherine, Greg, and Beau
If you could jump anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Somewhere tropical with blue water and white sand.
What advice would you give to new jumpers?
No matter the type of jumping you are doing. Master the fundamentals, take a deep breath, visualize, and most importantly don’t forget to smile.
What is the best advise you’ve been given?
Fly the canopy. Don’t let it fly you-Tom Riddick
What is your occupation?
Engineer by day. Friendly neighborhood Organizer by weekend.
What do you like doing on your spare time?
Most of my spare time is spent skydiving. Beyond that I love spending time with friends and family
If married how does your spouse feel about you skydiving?
I am Married to an amazing woman who has supported my hobby every step of the way. She does wish I had more footage of myself though.
What other sports do you enjoy?
Body surfing
When did you realize that you wanted to jump out of planes?
Probably around the time I was jumping off increasingly high objects with a trash bag.
Do you have any pre-jump rituals?
Other than doing gear checks. I always visualize a successful jump and focus on my breathing.
What do you consider your skydiving highlight to date?
For now it would be the first time I docked with someone head down.
What are the challenges that the next generation of jumpers will face?
Like always, there is a pressure to improve to get on the really cool jumps. It is a challenge to find good mentors who will help you progress safely.
What was your craziest jump?
The first somewhat steep movement jump I was on. I didn’t know it was possible to move that fast.
What motivates you?
Finding my limits and surpassing them.
Have you ever been grounded, if so when and why?
Landed off while on solo status due to series of poor decisions and got grounded for the day. Brought back a case a beer the following day and haven’t landed off since.
What are your future goals?
I think I would like to compete nationally or be on a vertical record. Getting coaching and mentorship is going a long way. All in all I am just enjoying the process.
How have you paid it forward, if so how?
Running Starcrest events is my personal way of paying forward in the sport. Catherine Bedell and Greg Melcher ran my first few Starcrest and got me into skydiving on a serious level that I have carried with me to this day. I hope that the events I run encourage newer jumpers to hone their own abilities.